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Founder Message

We believe that the journey of long miles always begins with a small step with an idea that is also born small, but it will surely grow this step as the idea.
Our idea came to be a company engaged in all health and environmental activities, which are based on clear and strong foundations that apply the latest management systems and modern technology for a healthy and clean environment.
Moreover, we always aspire to be one of the pioneers of companies operating in the health sector and to be present at all local, regional and global levels, putting the values ​and principles on which we grew up in our other fields of work.
Motah Medical Company invests in human resources, which are considered the main pillar for the success and continuity of any business. It also always strives to improve performance, whether administrative or practical, and searches every day for the best to provide to our group of customers, whose service we seek to be at the highest professional level.
I sincerely pray for Motah Medical Company to make great strides in its journey to contribute to the prosperity of the national economy and to enhance the human development of our fellow citizens and our future society.

Some Facts About Us